In The News

In The News

Entries for August 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is Michigan's Implied Consent Act Unconstitutional?

Categories: Michael J. Nichols, Drunk-Driving

 The question of the constitutionality of the process used by police to obtain your breath or blood sample in a DUI/DUID case has started to burn around the country since the United States Supreme Court held a warrant was required or an "exigent" circumstance was necessary in the spring 2013. 


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Non-criminal Conviction for a Operating While Intoxicated Charge

Categories: Wendy M. Schiller-Nichols, OWI

 Wendy Schiller-Nichols was able to get a careless driving (civil infraction) for a client charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI).  


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mike Nichols on Clinton County cases and MSU students; The Landings; The Crossings; Jimmy's Pub

Categories: Michael J. Nichols


Friday, August 8, 2014

Michigan Drunk and Drugged Driving Attorney Mike Nichols Leads The Way To Creating An Uncertainty Measurement With Breath Alcohol Testing

Categories: Michael J. Nichols, Drunk-Driving, OWI

 A Grand Rapids District judge has concluded hearings on measurement uncertainty and breath testing. The court ruled that there is always a variance for error associated with a measurement for breath alcohol.


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Medical Marijuana Movement Now Becomes Legalization Movement: Hazel Park and Oak Park Join Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Categories: Josh Covert, Medical Marijuana

 Citizens in two Michigan cities, Oak Park and Hazel Park, voted August 5th to decriminalize the possession of an ounce or less of marijuana provided that an adult possesses it and it is possessed on private property.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Breath Testing and Pulling the Curtain: Even the Highest Breath Alcohol Results are Meaningless if The Results Are Not Admitted Into Evidence

Categories: Michael J. Nichols, Drunk-Driving, OWI

 A brief update on our ongoing efforts at the Nichols Law Firm to educate the pubic, judges and other lawyers on the probems with breath alcohol testing


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Breath Testing and Pulling the Curtain: Even the Highest Breath Alcohol Results are Meaningless if The Results Are Not Admitted Into Evidence

Categories: Michael J. Nichols, Drunk-Driving, OWI

 A brief update on our ongoing efforts at the Nichols Law Firm to educate the pubic, judges and other lawyers on the probems with breath alcohol testing


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Peer Recognition

Mike Nichols is a national leader in drunk driving defense. He is a member of the Forensic Committee and Michigan delegate to the National College for DUI Defense. He is also a Sustaining Member of the College. Nichols is also a founding member of the Michigan Association of OWI Attorneys; a member of the American Chemical Society; an associate member of he American Academy of Forensic Science, Adjunct Professor of Forensic Evidence in Criminal Law and OWI Law and Practice at Cooley Law School. He is also author of the West OWI Practice book and several chapters in other books on science and the law.

Mike Nichols is recognized by his peers in Michigan as a “SuperLawyer” in DUI/Criminal Defense. Nichols has also been asked to speak at conferences by groups such as the NCDD; Various Bar Associations in other states.